Ok lets be honest here…… 2020 has definitely not gone the way any of us had hoped!
But now that we are able to have weddings again we need to think about what we are doing during the wedding to ensure couples can continue to get married.
I’ve made this post as a quick simple guide of things to think about before your wedding day so you can relax on the day knowing you’ve done all you can to help prevent the spread of covid19.
This information is correct as of 7th December 2020 based on the NSW Covid Safe Wedding Business Plan
The Well Being of your Guests
*If you haven’t already contact your venue, find out the maximum number of guests allowed at their site based on the 2m2 rule.
* Contact your videographer and venue and see if they can assist with live streaming your reception should your number be over the venues max number.
*Prior to your wedding ensure you remind guests if they are feeling unwell or showing symptoms to not attend your wedding…for the safety of yourself, your vendors and your other guests (including those at higher risk due to age or illness).
If on your wedding day you notice a guest showing symptoms suggest they head home and get tested. Please be aware they may be asked to leave from the venue or other vendors too.
*We all know alcohol may limit peoples thoughts on social distancing so if you are serving alcohol think of ways you can encourage your guests to do it responsibly – this could be reducing the amount available (purchased or on the tab) or perhaps serving snacks/hors d’oeuvres during cocktail time.
Physical Distancing
*If you plan to have live music at your ceremony or reception consider a soloist
* If you want to have dancing speak to your venue, if they have a moveable dance floor or are able to make the area larger to ensure your guests can continue with the 2m2 rule while dancing. There is a MAX of any 50 people on the dance floor at any one time.
*Think about ways you can reduce groups gathering in spaces (smokers, dancing or getting food). This can be discussed with the venue then let the vendor it relates to know the plan.
*Seating of guests is always a hard a decision but to fit your guests in better place families who live together on the same table.
* Consider having some photos taken before your ceremony. This can help reduce the time between your ceremony and reception (cocktail time) when guests will often mingle in large groups waiting for your return.
Hygiene and Cleaning
*Gifts have always been a part of weddings but in more recent times many couples already live together so have been asking for money. To help reduce the spread consider proving your guests with your bank account details to deposit money directly into your account.
*Ensure your venue/vendors are covid safe, this would mean they should be providing hand sanitiser and alcohol wipes for their equipment and use.
Record Keeping
* Your venue is required to get a list of all attendees, to save them hassling each guest on the night provide them with this list close to the wedding (perhaps with final number or a week or so prior).
Ensure this list includes – Full Name, Contact number and Email address. Include your vendors in your list to the venue even if its just the company name and details so if a vendor or guest does come down with covid19 all in attendance can quickly and easily be contacted.
* Ask your guests to download the covid safe app. This can ensure we know which of your guests they spent more time around should they have covid19