When deciding on your venue noise restrictions often aren’t even given a thought, hey its a wedding venue noise the noise level should be fine….. this isn’t always the case.
Look at your venue and if you can see “neighbours” then noise restrictions are definitely something you need to discuss with them.
Venues who have sound limits – if this is the case be sure to ask what is the decibel limit and from where the limit applies. Is it from their fence line, outside their building or is it as from the speakers.
Venues have times where music must be off by – this is a time given by the local council that all music must be turned off (or down to speaking level) by and this usually means an end time for your wedding as soft music during party time of a wedding simply doesn’t work.
A lot of time and energy goes into deciding your music, from your entry song, cake cutting and of course party time then of course your TJ Productions DJ sourcing the songs, making a playlist and designing one based purely on your style, you definitely want to ensure that the music is soft during dinner but higher and more energised during that party time. So ensuring any restricted sound limits is sorted prior to booking is always best.
TJ Productions can provide a decibel reader for our DJ’s at venues that require us to “watch our own” level so rest assured we have this covered for you.
Below is an image of common decibels so you can get an idea of some common noises to know where your venue level may sit.